Teresa Scassa - Blog

It is rare that a trademark law dispute becomes the subject matter of a documentary film – rarer still when it is a Canadian case that is the focus of attention. Yet some trademark disputes transcend the legal issues that give rise to them. This is so with the case that inspired Heidi Lasi’s recent documentary titled The Oasis Affair. This short film explores the dispute between Les Industries Lassonde, Inc. (a major Quebec company…

Wednesday, 01 October 2014 11:50

Another Official Marks Case Signals Need for Reform

Written by Teresa Scassa
Yet another decision regarding official marks highlights the need for reform of this privileged category of marks protected under the Trade-marks Act. In Terrace (City) v. Urban Distilleries Inc., two concurrent owners of the same official mark -- SPIRIT BEAR -- challenged the use by the defendant company of a mark that they claimed infringed their rights in the official mark. The City of Terrace had requested that the Registrar of Trade-marks give public notice…

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Canadian Trademark Law

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Canadian Trademark Law 2d Edition

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Electronic Commerce and Internet Law in Canada, 2nd Edition

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Electronic Commerce and Internet Law in Canada

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Intellectual Property Law for the 21st Century:

Interdisciplinary Approaches

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