Teresa Scassa - Blog


My recent work in the area of trademark law culminated in the publication of Canadian Trademark Law (LexisNexis) in 2010. I am currently working on a new chapter on trademarks and the internet for the second edition of my co-authored book on Electronic Commerce and Internet Law. Other ongoing projects include an exploration of the relationship of the freedom of expression to trademark law.

Canadian Trademark Law

Published in 2015 by Lexis Nexis

Canadian Trademark Law 2d Edition

Buy on LexisNexis

Electronic Commerce and Internet Law in Canada, 2nd Edition

Published in 2012 by CCH Canadian Ltd.

Electronic Commerce and Internet Law in Canada

Buy on CCH Canadian

Intellectual Property for the 21st Century

Intellectual Property Law for the 21st Century:

Interdisciplinary Approaches

Purchase from Irwin Law