Teresa Scassa - Blog

The federal government’s proposed Artificial Intelligence and Data Act (AIDA) (Part III of Bill C-27) - contained some data governance requirements for anonymized data used in AI in its original version. These were meant to dovetail with changes to PIPEDA reflected in the Consumer Privacy Protection Act (CPPA) (Part I of Bill C-27). The CPPA provides in s. 6(5) that “this Act does not apply in respect of personal information that has been anonymized.” Although…

This is Part III of a series of posts that look at the proposed amendments to Canada’s Artificial Intelligence and Data Act (which itself is still a Bill, currently before the INDU Committee for study). Part I provided a bit of context and a consideration of some of the new definitions in the Bill. Part II looked at the categories of ‘high-impact’ AI that the Bill now proposes to govern. This post looks at the…

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