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Displaying items by tag: Internet
Wednesday, 21 June 2000 14:10
The Best Things in Law are Free: Towards Quality Free Public Access to Primary Legal Materials in Canada"The Best Things in Law are Free: Towards Quality Free Public Access to Primary Legal Materials in Canada", (2000) 23 Dalhousie Law Journal 301-336 This paper examines the move, in the 1990s in Canada, towards making primary legal materials freely available to the public over the internet. The paper begins by assessing the situation in Canada at the time of writing, and the need for a centralized and harmonized electronic portal for primary legal materials. I consider initiatives in other jurisdictions aimed at providing comprehensive free public access, and explore the rationales for developing and providing such access. I explore some of the implications and questions raised by the provision of publicly accessible primary legal materials. These include the concepts of “public” and “access”, concerns about information monopolies, the role of lawyers as "infomediaries" and the normative implications of "freeing" the law.
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Refereed Articles
Wednesday, 19 June 2002 14:02
Intellectual Property on the Cyber-Picketline: A Comment on British Columbia Automobile Assn v. Office and Professional Employees' International Union, Local 378"Intellectual Property on the Cyber-Picketline: A Comment on British Columbia Automobile Assn v. Office and Professional Employees' International Union, Local 378", (2002) 39 Alberta Law Review 934-962 This paper is a lengthy and critical comment on the decision of the British Columbia Supreme Court, British Columbia Automobile Assn v. Office and Professional Employees' International Union, Local 378.. The case remains an important decision on issues of passing off, trademark and copyright infringement relating to websites, domain names and meta tags. In this paper I explore these issues, all of which may commonly arise in situations of alleged competition between websites. The case thus provides a context for exploring legitimate and unlawful uses of domain names and meta tags, copyright infringement, and web site design, and touches on the role of s. 22 of the Trade-marks Act. Because BCAA also occurs in the context of a labour dispute, it raises further issues about intellectual property rights and freedom of expression. In this context, I examine the balance being struck between monopolistic intellectual property rights and the fundamental right of freedom of expression.
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Refereed Articles
Wednesday, 20 June 2007 12:44
Global Reach, Local Grasp: Constructing Extraterritorial Jurisdiction in the Age of Globalization“Global Reach, Local Grasp: Constructing Extraterritorial Jurisdiction in the Age of Globalization” (2007) 6 Canadian Journal of Law and Technology 29-60. (With Stephen Coughlan, Robert Currie and Hugh Kindred) PDF Available here. The reach of national law is often greater than its grasp. Canada, like other countries, has effective legal power over its territory and all within it. However, one consequence of the current process of globalization, for good or ill, is that Canadian interests are no longer contained exclusively within Canadian borders. Canada thus finds it increasingly necessary to consider asserting its legal jurisdiction beyond its frontiers. In this we consider issues of jurisdiction, distinguishing between territorial and extraterritorial jurisdiction, and defining and discussing legislative/prescriptive jurisdiction, executive/enforcement jurisdiction, investigative jurisdiction and judicial/adjudicative jurisdiction. We discuss the mechanics of extraterritorial action, and the means by which extraterritorial action is taken. We also consider the policy justifications which have primarily motivated Canada to act extraterritorially in the past. In the second part of the paper, we consider whether the lessons of the past are applicable to the future. Primarily we will do this by pursuing four “case studies” of areas of law which raise new and challenging issues. These include i) the internet; ii) personal data protection, iii) human rights and iv) competition in the marketplace.
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Refereed Articles
Tuesday, 15 June 2010 11:48
The Inadvertent Disclosure of Personal Health Information through Peer-to-peer File Sharing Programs“The Inadvertent Disclosure of Personal Health Information through Peer-to-peer File Sharing Programs”, in JAMIA 2010 17: 148-158 ( Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association) (with K. El Emam, E. Neri, E. Jonker, M. Sokolova, L. Peyton, & A. Neisa) There has been a consistent concern about the inadvertent disclosure of personal information on peer-to-peer file sharing networks. Examples of personal health and financial information being exposed have been published. This paper estimates the extent to which personal health information (PHI) is leaking in this way, and compare that to the extent of leakage of personal financial information (PFI). The paper concludes that there is a real risk of PHI leakage on peer-to-peer file sharing networks, although the risk is not as large as for PFI. Custodians of PHI should not install file sharing applications on their computers, and individuals need to be educated about the proper use of file sharing tools to avoid inadvertent disclosure of their, their family’s, their clients’, or patients’ PHI.
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Refereed Articles
Wednesday, 16 June 2010 11:36
Journalistic Purposes and Private Sector Data Protection Legislation: Blogs, Tweets, and Information Maps“Journalistic Purposes and Private Sector Data Protection Legislation: Blogs, Tweets, and Information Maps” (2010) 35 Queen’s Law J. 733-781 This paper explores how changes in the ways in which information is consumed and disseminated by myriad individuals in myriad forms may impact data protection law in Canada. The author uses examples of blogs, Twitter and information maps to illustrate the problems which will inevitably arise when trying to discern which individuals and which information will properly fit into the journalistic purposes exception in Canadian data protection statutes. She suggests that exceptions for the collection, use or disclosure of personal information for journalistic purposes raise vital questions pertaining to the purpose and scope of these exceptions. Recent case law serves to illustrate the difficulties faced by decision-makers in defining the scope of these exceptions, particularly given the need to balance the public right to be informed with individual privacy rights. The author considers the journalistic purposes exceptions in light of the role of journalists by analyzing how reporters’ privilege cases, defamation law (“responsible journalism”) and ethical codes of conduct might affect and inform current Canadian case law. She compares how journalistic purpose exceptions are configured and applied in Australia and the United Kingdom. In the conclusion, the author considers the direction that data protection law in Canada should take. She suggests that a reasonableness test, which attempts to balance the various conflicting interests, should govern decisions on whether information is being provided for a journalistic purpose or for some “other” purpose.
This paper explores how changes in the ways in which information is consumed and disseminated by myriad individuals in myriad forms may impact data protection law in Canada. The author uses examples of blogs, Twitter and information maps to illustrate the problems which will inevitably arise when trying to discern which individuals and which information will properly fit into the journalistic purposes exception in Canadian data protection statutes. She suggests that exceptions for the collection, use or disclosure of personal information for journalistic purposes raise vital questions pertaining to the purpose and scope of these exceptions. Recent case law serves to illustrate the difficulties faced by decision-makers in defining the scope of these exceptions, particularly given the need to balance the public right to be informed with individual privacy rights. The author considers the journalistic purposes exceptions in light of the role of journalists by analyzing how reporters’ privilege cases, defamation law (“responsible journalism”) and ethical codes of conduct might affect and inform current Canadian case law. She compares how journalistic purpose exceptions are configured and applied in Australia and the United Kingdom. In the conclusion, the author considers the direction that data protection law in Canada should take. She suggests that a reasonableness test, which attempts to balance the various conflicting interests, should govern decisions on whether information is being provided for a journalistic purpose or for some “other” purpose.
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Refereed Articles
Wednesday, 16 June 2004 10:14
Electronic Commerce and Internet Law in CanadaElectronic Commerce and Internet Law in Canada, CCH Canadian Ltd., 2004 (with Michael Deturbide). This book is the first (and only) Canadian treatise on e-commerce and internet law. It covers a range of topics which include electronic contracts, online consumer protection, data protection and privacy, internet domain names and trademark law, copyright law and the internet, software and e-business patents, the regulation of online speech, and jurisdiction and the internet. Since it was published in 2004, much has changed in this area of law. We are currently working on a second edition of the book, which we hope will be published in 2012.
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Monday, 13 June 2011 15:46
Publications - Intellectual Property Law
Published in
Thursday, 10 June 2010 15:35
Canadian Trademark LawCanadian Trademark Law, LexisNexis (Butterworths) Canada, Inc., 2010. This book is a treatise on Canadian trademark law. While a primary focus of the book is necessarily the Trade-marks Act, a number of other statutes are considered, as well as the extensive body of common law relating to trademarks. The book aims to provide a solid grounding in the basic principles of trademark law, while at the same time exploring some of the contemporary challenges in this area of law. These challenges are brought about by the international movement towards harmonization of norms and procedures, as well as phenomena such as the internet and electronic commerce, the growing problem of counterfeiting, and the use of trademarks in critical and parodic expression.
Published in
Electronic Commerce and Internet Law in Canada, 2nd EditionPublished in 2012 by CCH Canadian Ltd. Intellectual Property for the 21st CenturyIntellectual Property Law for the 21st Century: Interdisciplinary Approaches |